who we are

If we are to meet the UN climate commitment to keep global heating to 1.5° or below, then all of us need to take decisive and determined action.

Achill Management specialise in implementing net zero transitions across the legal and professional services sectors. From establishing your baseline and reporting your carbon emissions to developing meaningful net zero transition plans, we can help you transform your business to be ready for a 1.5° world.

We are a leading consultancy working across the legal sector. Our clients range from large international private practice firms to small boutique chambers.

Achill Management is proud to host and provide the secretariat for The Legal Sustainability Alliance and the Bar Council Sustainability Network, providing strategic advice and support, facilitating network events and learning, and supporting carbon emissions reporting through our online carbon calculator.  Working across both private practice and the criminal and commercial Bar gives us a unique insight into the legal sector, and enhances our ability to work with law firms of all sizes on their sustainability journey.

Let us help you transition to net zero and together we can combat climate change.

how can we help

Business in a 1.5° world

Net Zero +
Business as usual is not an option. The climate crisis demands businesses transform their approach to be climate resilient and able to remain relevant in a net zero economy. We can help you develop a Climate Transition Plan that brings together an action oriented and climate science led strategy that will keep you on the 1.5° pathway.
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Carbon Data Measurement & Analysis

Climate Led Science
Your net zero transition starts here. A robust, verified measurement of your firm’s carbon emissions is the foundation. Using our online platform, we can measure your scopes 1 2 & 3 emissions and set robust targets for reduction. Data is verified and can be used for SECR and ISO140001 reporting. Our team can help with getting to grips with scope 3 and your supply chain as well as identifying practical reduction objectives for your buildings and facilities.
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Leadership Engagement & Commitment

Galvanising action
A firm’s transition plan needs buy in and support from senior leadership. Achill Management consultants have extensive board level experience and will support your Board and Senior Executive to understand the challenges and opportunities of net zero. Board support includes strategy development, mentoring, leadership engagement to develop a robust net zero commitment. We work across organisations to deliver engagement at all levels – because without people change cannot happen.
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Carbon Reduction Pathway

Embedding change
Counting carbon is easy (relatively!). The hard bit is setting and achieving reduction targets and changing behaviours across the business to maintain the reductions. We support you to identify where the reductions need to be, how to set meaningful targets , how to get teams to own these and change behaviours – how to communicate success & challenges to clients and stakeholders and how to deliver change across the value chain.
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Regulatory levers
TCFD (taskforce for climate related financial disclosure) and the framework it offers to help firms transition to zero is a key tool underpinning your Climate Transition Plan. The rollout of TCFD across all sectors presents an opportunity to build climate into firm wide strategy, assessing and evaluating climate risk and putting sustainability at the heart of your planning cycle. TNFD (taskforce on nature related financial disclosures) follows hard on the heels of TCFD reporting, putting nature restoration at the centre of investment decisions – an opportunity to integrate nature into decision making. We can help you understand the complexities of the frameworks and how to integrate them into your business plans, develop scenario plans and even help write your first TCFD report.
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Carbon calculator tool

Achill Management has a robust online carbon calculator tool that your firm can licence to collate measure and manage your carbon. Designed with law firms and lawyers in mind it uses the latest greenhouse gas emissions factors to enable you to understand and measure your Scopes 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions. The simple data entry and report features cover all elements of your footprint – waste, water, energy, travel, material use, IT, working from home carbon. The licence includes consultancy advice and support to ensure you footprint is robust and verified. Do get in touch and we would be delighted to give you a full demonstration.

Helping you keep on track

We are here to help you not only maintain your focus on sustainable practice, but to thrive as a more effective organisation while transitioning to Net Zero. We can help underpin the right policies and procedures your organisation will need to be more sustainable and to engage and utilise your most valuable resource – your people. Our team has direct experience of leading organisations, large and small, at every level.

  • Energy
  • Travel
  • Working from home
  • Water
  • Paperless

Planet Pod is the podcast for everyone who cares about the planet. From politicians to protesters, scientists to entrepreneurs, we talk to the people behind the headlines. We are in a climate emergency. The Planet Pod hosts thoughtful and thought provoking conversations to empower our listeners. The time to act is now.

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What our clients think

We are proud to have worked with a diverse range of organisations across the private, public and not for profit sector.
